miercuri, 7 noiembrie 2007


that!!! (am descoperit-o mai tîrziu, îmi place la nebunie muzica, imaginile sînt bestiale, părerea mea, vocea tipei foarte faină, la text n-am fost groaznic de atentă...)


Is it dirty
does it look dirty
that's what you think of in the city

does it just seem dirty
that's what you think of in the city
you don't refuse to breathe do you

someone comes along with a very bad character
he seems attractive. is he really. yes. very
he's attractive as his character is bad. is it. yes

that's what you think of in the city
run your finger along your no-moss mind
that's not a thought that's soot

and you take a lot of dirt off someone
is the character less bad. no. it improves constantly
you don't refuse to breathe do you

Frank O'Hara

3 comentarii:

  1. Muzica celui de-al doilea clip e Erik Satie, o gymnopedie.

  2. Ai vazut ultima versiune a videoclipului Nu mai beau al formatiei 3Lei ? Nu stiu cum a ajuns formatia 3Lei in top 100 romania ,,, http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hVzntih9Pmo acum dupa ce am vazut de 2 ori videoclipul am inteles de ce ,,, marfa

  3. Deci monica aia ie o spammeritsa, HUOOO!

    Da' io altceva voiam sa zic, si anume zbor misto, daca asta e vinerea cand ajungi in Iasi. :)


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